Experience our luxurious spa treatments

Life and its everyday stressors can not only take a toll on our mental well-being but also on our skin. The advanced spa services of Goldfingers Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery in Longwood can provide an incredible reprieve from the challenges of daily life and provide a path to radiant and rejuvenated skin. Take a step towards enhancing your skin's radiance and embark on a spa journey that revitalizes your inner and outer beauty. 

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What are spa services?

Our spa services encompass a wide array of therapeutic treatments to enhance your skin's health, appearance, and texture. These services go beyond traditional facials to address specific skin concerns, focusing on long-lasting results. Advanced techniques, such as microneedling and medical-grade chemical peels, penetrate deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and encouraging cellular turnover. 

What should I expect?

Given the numerous spa services we provide, your expectations should vary based on your chosen treatment. These are some of the rejuvenating services you can find when you visit us:

  • Microblading and Permanent Makeup: These treatments offer semi-permanent solutions for enhancing facial features. Microblading meticulously crafts natural-looking eyebrows, while permanent makeup applies pigment to lips and eyes for lasting definition.
  • Medical-Grade Chemical Peels: Deeper and more potent than regular peels, medical-grade chemical peels are tailored to address specific concerns such as hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and acne scars. These peels work by exfoliating the top layers of skin, revealing fresher, more radiant skin underneath.
  • Dermaplaning Facials: A gentle yet effective exfoliation technique, dermaplaning involves the use of a fine scalpel to remove dead skin cells and fine facial hair. This paves the way for smoother skin and improved absorption of skincare products.
  • Acne Facials: Tailored to combat one of the most common skin woes, this facial involves a comprehensive cleansing, exfoliation, and extraction process. High-quality products, chosen according to skin type, work to unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

What is the recovery process like?

The recovery process varies depending on the type of spa service you undergo. Generally, advanced treatments like Microneedling and Chemical Peels may involve mild redness, flaking, or sensitivity for a few days post-treatment. These effects are temporary and can be easily managed with proper aftercare, which our team will guide you through. For microblading and permanent makeup, there may be minor scabbing initially, but it will heal within a week or so, revealing stunning, long-lasting results.

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Why choose Goldfingers Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery?

At Goldfingers Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery in Longwood, our journey has been defined by continuous growth, rigorous training, and unwavering dedication to our craft. With a legacy spanning over two and a half decades in the field of aesthetics, our commitment to excellence shines through in every touch, every treatment. We also hold the distinction of being in the top 1% nationwide in sales for BOTOX and Juvéderm, a testament to our unparalleled mastery of the art of facial contouring. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation.

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“I’m always treated as a member of their family. They’re very helpful and honest. I would recommend my friends to get any treatment here with confidence!”

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